Thousands of educational institutions are developing in our country every year, in the recent decade there are institutions mushrooming all over the country, also they are generating huge amount of solid and liquid wastes that are to be managed effectively if not will be an environmental nuisance. Not many institutions are adopting proper treatment methodologies for purifying this waste generated and also not many studies had focussed this type of waste which are complex and does not follow the same properties of domestic waste water. Mostly the waste water arising from the educational institutions are matching the domestic waste condition but with varying combinations. Treatment of this kind of wastes are to be done as per the procedures of the domestic waste, coagulation plays a key role in the treatment of this wastes. Many coagulants were tried by researchers across the globe some in turn pollute including aluminium sulphate (alum). In this research an attempt is made at finding the efficiencies of magnesium chloride, as chemical coagulant to treat the waste water of educational institution which is not only cost effective but also does not harms the health. MgCl2 is added as coagulant with and without coagulant aid (polyelectrolyte) and the efficiency of mixture of magnesium chloride with poly electrolyte was tested. The result obtained by adding magnesium chloride proved that it can be use for the treatment of turbidity and transmittance in educational institution waste water. The results obtained when magnesium chloride combined with poly electrolyte were much better. It is found that nearly 97% removal of turbidity is achieved during this study and also 95% transmittance level is achieved, also complete odour removal is obtained by the coagulation process. Hence magnesium chloride can be effectively used as a coagulant aid with any chemical coagulant like polyelectrolyte and alum for treatment of waste water from educational institutions.