Nutrients plays important role in functioning and development of human body. A diet that is taken by organism should be a balanced diet, it must contain adequate amount of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and developmental. Nutritional deficiency during pregnancy and lactation may cause different types of abnormalities during pre and postnatal development. Antioxidants may play very important role in abating side effects caused by free radicals generated during various metabolic processes especially during development as they are transferred through placenta to the fetus. There are few antioxidants, which also act as a lactating agent and have more importance during pregnancy and lactation. To assess the antioxidant activity of garlic and fenugreek which is also effective during gestation and lactation because their components can pass through placenta to fetus, all the previous information regarding in this connection are deliberated. Previously many studies have already been done on the nutritional importance of garlic and fenugreek in adults but information on developmental stages is very scanty. So to fulfill this lacuna the present study is focused on the effects of these antioxidants especially during pregnancy and lactation. These antioxidants can easily cross placenta and shows their beneficial effects on the development of the fetus. It can be concluded that garlic and fenugreek have favorable role not only in adults but also in the developing fetus due to their high antioxidant level and ability to pass the placenta.