The purpose of this paper is to ascertain the extent of job satisfaction with respect to adequacy of salary and promotional avenues, working environment, communication pattern and social security among library professionals and stress and job involvement of library professionals working in 35 districts of Maharashtra State. For the present study the Maharashtra State of India is considered as a geographical region of the study. All the 35 districts of Maharashtra state of India have formed a universe of the study in which Questionnaire tool were used to collect the research data from a population of 524 librarians working in 35 districts Maharashtra state of India using purposive sampling technique of non-probability method. A total of 440 librarians responded with a responsive rate achieved was 83.9% and used for statistical analysis and interpretation. The Split-half reliability using Spearman-brown formula is 0.79 and the validity components, concurrent validity and factorial validity has been tested. In addition, researcher also provides valuable source of information on the facets of job dissatisfaction among librarians in Maharashtra State, India covering 35 districts.