The paper examines various pattern of the articles published in the Malaysian journal of library and information science (MJLIS) for the period of 2007 to 2013 and expose the results for the publications through bibliometric analysis. The study has been carried out with the comparison of the previous studies done by other authors. The paper represents the bibliometric analysis of the journal in order to evaluate the growth pattern of research productivity published in the journal. The study involves the patterns such as year wise distribution, length of articles, range of references, institutional affiliation of authors, subject categories, authorship pattern, demographic affiliation of author and number of citations. The study reveals that 142 articles published in the journal for the period from 2007 to 2013. The year 2011 is the most productive year with 21 articles during the study period. The study reveals that the highest number of articles are published in the second category which is the domain of ‘Information seeking behavior of the user’ and shows that majority of articles have got a length of 11 – 20 pages. It has been observed that the multiple author articles were increased in comparison to the single authored articles. It is also found that 56 articles that is the maximum number of articles (56 articles) were authored and co-authored by Malaysian authors and maximum of 184 citations were received for the published articles for the study period.