摘要:Nearly 80 percent of the 1.1 billion forest seedlings grown in2012 in the United States were produced in the 13 SouthernStates. A survey of current nursery practices for southernbarerootnurseries was compiled and the results presented andcompared with a similar survey conducted in 1980. Most notablechanges during the past 32 years include reduction in the num-ber of nurseries growing seedlings (including the phase-outof all Federal nurseries), increase in production capacity ofindustrial nurseries, more seedlings produced by the privatesector, a shift in growing more crops under a single fumigationregime, the development of synthetic soil stabilizers, thewidespread appearance of the weed spurge, the developmentof more efficacious fungicides for the control of fusiformrust and other diseases, root and top pruning of seedlings tofacilitate the widespread use of full-bed belt lifters, the usepolyacrylamide gels to protect roots system after lifting, theuse of seedlings bags and boxes for shipping seedlings, andthe use of migrant and legal foreign nationals as a source ofnonpermanent labor.