摘要:Historic tree planting records were actively maintained throughout the United States until 1999. Since then, incomplete public records in the South have created some confusion in the number of acres planted during the first decade of the 21st century. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis, in coordination with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry and the Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative collaborated to fill the gap from 2000 to 2012. This report is an update of the 1986 publication A Statistical History of Tree Planting in the South 1925-1985 (Williston 1986). Tree planting has contributed significantly to the productivity and wood supply sustainability of the southern forests. Tree planting has offered options to enhance the southern forests while maintaining a balance of wood supply, jobs, a variety of wood products, and quality of life. This article describes the major influences on and from tree planting, and the associated online tables (http://www.rngr.net/publications/tpn/treeplantingtables) provide the historic journey of tree planting in the South.