摘要:The Romania’s socio-economic development, according to the European standardsand requirements, depends largely on rural area development, which is so significant for ourcountry’s international recognition. The sustainable development, one of the most modernconcepts inherent for economic world of XXI century, is a main goal of entities responsible forRomanian rural area development. Bearing in mind that the socio-economic condition andquality of life in Romanian rural area are far from sustainability principles and realities ofother European States, we appreciate the role and implication of funding programs dedicatedto rural area, as essential. In our opinion, the Romanian rural area was a subject ofsignificant challenges, with very sinuous evolution, so it is extremely important to use allpossible funding sources that let implement the projects aimed to foster sustainabledevelopment of Romanian rural area. However, the past experience with SAPARD, FEADRand other programs indicates that in addition to their benefits, some limits appear as well. Inthis paper we propose to identify these benefits and limits and realize a synthetic analysisbased on the past experience of the projects beneficiaries, with aim to establish some keylessons for the next funding period 2014-2020 when, again, the Romanian rural area is apriority. Also, we suggest implementing a comparative analysis of main rural sectors wherethe funding projects for sustainability of rural area were implemented with success orobstacles.