摘要:The purpose of this article is to outline the importance of capitalizing thegeo-strategic potential of the turcophone space by the euro-atlantic democracy inthe purpose of controlling the Heartland area. This way, a decisive advantagewould occur over the absolutist regimes from the Eurasian area; the process ofeuro-atlantic democratic globalization would accelerate, process which, reachingthis historic moment, could become irreversible. The intervention of N.A.T.O andthe E.U would be justified for reasons of own national security, concerning theissue of maintaining order within the Heartland area. This happens because, onthe background of the U.S.S.R.’s dismembering, the pivot area has re-become ageneral factor of instability (terrorism, organized crime under different forms, etc.).Applying this strategic ample project is a difficult to accomplish task at thismoment. The turcophone space is, for the time being, only a concept in theory andthe edification of a territorial turcophone mega construction faces obstacles whichseem to be impossible to overcome.
关键词:Heartland; Rimland; European Union; N.A.T.O.; Russian;Federation; Republic of China; Islamic Republic of Iran; Euro-Atlantic;democracy; Eurasian absolutism