摘要:Diplomacy, one of the oldest areas of knowledge and humanaction, is an instrument for promoting and implementing the foreign policyof states. It is associated with the combined efforts of States to settledisputes and conflicts between them, to defend and promote their interestsby means of negotiations and to maintain and develop peaceful relations.Diplomacy is addressed to the external world, the international space, andthe diplomat is the power’s representative (from the lowest to the highestpower) in the international game. In this game, states behave as actors whoplay their role, larger or smaller, depending on the economic, military andpolitical power and also depending on the geostrategy which one applies, atone time, in order to achieve their proposed objectives. Apart from thegeneral considerations regarding diplomacy (with its corollary of internationaltreaties), in this study is approached the multilateral diplomacy and,particularly, the diplomacy of power, respectively, the diplomacy waged fromposition of force by the prominent powers in a particular historical period,especially, by great powers. In this sense, are presented significantexamples, from the message sent to Meliens by the Athenians in Antiquitytill the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact from the mid-twentieth century.
关键词:diplomacy; power of diplomacy; diplomacy of power; multilateral;diplomacy; international treaties