Anesthetic experience with unilateral adrenalectomy for two patients (ll-year-old and 19- year-old female) with Cushings syndrome due to adrenocortical carcinoma has been reported. Anesthesia was induced with intravenous thiopental followed by nitrous oxide-oxygen-halothane and Pancuronium (Mioblock) for muscular relaxation. An endotracheal semi-closed circle absorption techniqne with controlled respiration was employed. The Patient tolerated well the anesthesia and surgery with appropriate cardiovascular control using hydrocortisone, whole blood and fluid replacement under continuous monitoring of B.P., E.C.G., C.V.P., and urine output. Importance of optimal preparation of the patient with Cushings syndrome, sufficient sedation, smooth induction, complete analgesia, good mucular relaxation, adequate alveolar ventilation and of proper cardiovascular control has been stressed and discussed together with the hazards of postoperative adrenal insufficiency.