Unsuspected pheochromocytoma in a surgical patients may lead to serial complications. These include extreme hypertension, taehycardia and cardiac arrythmias which lead to cardiac arrest, cerebrovascular accident and renal failure in the postoperative period. Pheochromocytoma arising in the urinary bladder is a rare tumor. We recently experienced a case of pheochromocytoma which was found during transurethral resection for biopsy of bladder tumor under spinal anesthesia. The blood pressure suddenly rose during resection. of the tumor. It was difficult to arrive at a correct diagnosis in this case because of the predominant bladder symptams without hypertenaive attack. Therefore, final diagnosis was made as the pheochromocytoms after histological examination. The resection of the tumor was performed under general anesthesia after careful studies. The patient was not treated during the preoperative period as she had no particular symptoms, but Regitine was glven during surgery. Regitine was used twice to control the transient hypertension during manipulation of the tumor. After removal of the tumor, the blood pressure was well regulated without vasopressor drugs. We report a case of pheochromocytoma of urinary bladder with successful anesthesia management and the use of neuroleptanesthetics.