To evaluate the maternal and fetal effects of propanidid, clinical observations were carried out in 160 cases of Cesarean section out of 4, 230 deliveries made during the past three years. Upon having the obstetricians ready for incision, 10ml. of 5 per cent propanidid and 40mg. of succinylcholine chloride were administered intravenously, and surgery was begun almost simultaneously with endotracheal intubabation. Thereafter, anesthesia was maintained with N2O-O2-fluothane, N2O-O2-ether, or ether-O2 in semiclosed circle absorption system. Umbilical cord was ligated within 3-5 minutes after the commencement of induction. This method of anesthesia did not seriously affect the maternal respiration or circulation, and Apgar scores were good or fair in the majority of cases. No undesirable side effects or complications directly attributable to propanidid were encountered.