The authors have introduced a method of Thalamonai dripping with concomitant use of small doses of Pentothal for rapid and smooth loss of consciousness and induction of anesthesia, and maintaining anesthesia with intermittent injections of Thalamonal and Pavulon as well as N2O inhnlation. From 21 cases, the following results were obtained: 1) Average dose of fentanyl as a premedicant was l. 143µg/kg (Thalamonal, 0. 023cc/kg). 2) Average dose of fentanyl during induction of anesthesia was 3. 48µg/kg (ThaJamonal, 0, 695 cc/10kg), and concomitant injection of Pentothal (average, l. 83mg/kg) achieved rapid and smooth induction of anesthesia. During induction, changes of blood pressure and pulse rate were insignificant. 3) Intermittent injections of Thalamonal for maintenance of anesthesia were needed at every 30 minute interval, and average dose of fentanyl was 0.64µg/kg/30min. 4) Seventeen cases among 21 recovered promptly after discontinuation of N2O, and the recovery was delayed in the, remainder. Two patients had awareness without pain during operation, Delayed recovery of consciousness seemed related to overdosage of the droperidol component in Thalamonal, but not to total operating time.