Cardiac electromechanical dissociation is a cause of cardiac arrest and this is characterized by regularly recurring QRS complexes and T waves- P waves may even be present. without an obtainable blood pressure and pulse. Such findings in man are almost invariably associated with a fatal outcome although one can observe this phenomenon in potentially treatable disorders. Recognition of these disorders on the basis of certain clinical and electrocardiographic findings may be of clinical importance. This experimental study on rabbits was performed to observe electromechanical dissociation (E.M.D.) and to recognize its clinical importance, in exsanguinating hemorrhage with the cutting of the right femoral artery. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence of E.M.D. was 100 percent. 2) In the all cases except two cardiac rhythm showed sinus rhythm but in two cases it was difficult to distinguish it from nodal rhythm. 3) Heart rate at the time of E.M.D showed a significant increase of 13,8 percent as compared with the control. 4) The voltage of the P wave and QRS complex at the time of E.M.D. showed a significant decreases of the former, 34.7%, and the latter, 30%, as compared with the control. and the QRS complex at the time of E.M.D showed severe axis deviation. 5) In seven cases in all, the voltage of the T wave at the time of E.M.D, showed a significant decrease of 61. 3 percent (one case showed T wave inversion) and the others showed. conversely a significant increase of 271 percent. 6) Regarding change of interval, the QRS interval showed no changes and P-R and Q-T intervals showed shortening of 14, 7% and 2.4%. 7) We consider that devices for heart sound, pulse or blood pressure monitoring should be: combined with ECG monitoring.