In propranolol (1. 0mg) pretreated men atropine (0.5mg), ephedrine (20mg) and aramine (2mg) were administered respectively by intravenous route under the ether anesthesia. The results were as follows. 1) Five minutes after intravenous administration of propranolol, the three groups showed decrease of pulse rates, 9, 6 and 8 per minutes respectively, but blood pressure changes were not observed. 2) After intravenous administration of atropine (0.5mg) the decreased pulse rates were increased and blood pressure was elevated. 3) After intravenous administration of ephedrine(20mg) the decreased pulse rates were decreased and lowered blood pressure was lowered further. 4) After intravenous administration of aramine(2.0mg) the lowered blood pressure was elevated, but pulse rate changes were not observed. 5) Circulatory depression due to ether anesthesia after propranolol pretreatment, was corrected by treatment with atropine and aramine, but was not corrected by ephedrine.