期刊名称:International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies
出版社:Scholar Publications
摘要:From ancient times traditional human values like spirituality, strong familyties, deference to elders, recourse to nature, artistic expression, respecting even the tools of one's trade, joyousness and hospitality are greatly emphasized .Values such as harmony, peace, compassion and humility have for centuries been a part of the discourse of every religion in the world and their need and importance is universally accepted and felt, more so in the current social and political context. But now a day, in modern society, human value crises are a known fact. So it is time to explore the importance of human values in student’s life. Not only value but soft skills will also enable students with a strong conceptual and practical framework to build, develop and manage teams. For the development of the students’ overall personality and enhancing their career prospects, soft skills play a very important role. Being successful would demand not merely possession of technical and professional competence but as much and even more, the possession of soft skills and life skills. Work together in a team surely resolves conflict situations quickly. They make up who we are, generally encompassing our attitudes, habits and how we interact with other people. That’s why to get an edge over the competitors; students need human values and soft skills along with hard skills. Hence the present study give emphasis on the fact that modern education system should be committed to make educational process inclusive of values education by inculcating attitude and values through co-scholastic areas of life skills, sports and games as well as co-curricular activities.