摘要:The main aim of this study was to explore the frequency of gambling and gambling-related problems among Croatian high school students. The specific objectives have been to explore gender differences, and differences in the frequency and severity of gambling problems regarding grade/age and type of school program. The study included n=2.702 high school students from all for grades and all three types of high school programs (3- and 4-year vocational/professional schools, and grammar schools) from 7 cities (Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Vinkovci, Slavonski Brod and Koprivnica) with equal representation of boys (n=1.330, 49.2%) and girls (n=1.372, 50.8%). The respondents’ mean age was Mage = 16.51 (SDage=1.17). The following instruments were used: Questionnaire on general socio-demographic data, Gambling activities questionnaire (Ricijaš, Dodig, Huić, & Kranželić, 2011) and the Canadian Adolescent Gambling Inventory - CAGI (Tremblay, Stinchfield, Wiebe, & Wynne, 2010). Results show that the lifetime prevalence of gambling among Croatian high-school students is 72.9%. The most prevalent games of chance are sports betting and lottery games, with sports betting being the most frequent of these activities. As much as 12.9% adolescents have already developed serious adverse gambling related consequences. Boys have significantly higher problem gambling rates than girls, while the effects of differences regarding the type of school and grade/age are relatively low. The results provide important baseline data for future research, interventions design, and for the improvement of social policy and legislation.
关键词:gambling; sports betting; problem gambling; psychosocial problems; adolescents; youth gambling; high school students