摘要:The main problem of this study was what was the perception of managers of a private HEI on the Profile of Professional Competence required for the exercise of their functions and what personal attributes and behavioral strategies can facilitate work with life. Its general objective was to identify the ideal profile of professional competence related to knowledge, skills and attitudes of the managers. The theoretical reference was based mainly on Boterf Le (2003), Perrenoud et al (2002) and Zariffian (2001) Galer, Vriesendorp and Ellis (2005), Heifetz (1999), Streets (2005) Baldwin, Rubin, and Bommer (2008), Dutra, Fleury and Ruas(2008) among others. We conducted a case study with 32 managers covering descriptive purposes. The results indicated that the most frequent attributes: knowledge - organizational psychology, computer science and process of decision-making skills - planning, leadership and communication / listening, and attitudes - ethics, confidence and responsibility. The strategies chosen were personal dialogue, open relationship between spouses and proper administration of the time at work. From management point of view, they are mostly business and family women family (Schwartz, 2001) in search of personal and professional balance.
关键词:Competence;Professional Competency Profile;Managers.;Competencia;Perfil de competencias profesionales;Gerentes.;Perfil de Competência Profissional;Mulheres gestoras;Conciliação vida pessoal e trabalho;Atributos comportamentais;Estratégias pessoais