摘要:This study discusses the concept of collaborative research in written language applied studies’ field, based on Brazilian researches about this subject (MAGALHÃES, 1994, 1998, 2002; MAGALHÃES; FIDALGO, 2010; IBIAPINA, 2008; CABRAL, 2012; HORIKAWA, 2008; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2011). We aimed to understand and systematize this research´s approach characteristics and steps. Starting from a collaborative research fulfilled with a Portuguese language teacher, about the revision and rewriting processes, grounded on dialogic assumptions (BAKHTIN, 2010), we have analyzed the practical application of the identified characteristics and steps, presenting alternatives for a collaborative work development. The results showed this research´s approach importance for teacher training and for teaching and learning processes, highlighting the necessary engenderment among academy, school, theory, methodology, subject and context in theoretical methodological researches orientation.
关键词:Collaborative research;Teacher training;Revision and rewriting;Pesquisa colaborativa;Formação docente;Revisão e reescrita