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  • 作者:Oksana Malinauskienė ; Rita Žukauskienė
  • 期刊名称:Psichologija
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-0359
  • 出版年度:2007
  • 卷号:35
  • 页码:19-31
  • 语种:Lithuanian
  • 出版社:Vilnius University Publishing House
  • 摘要:Naudojant tęstinio tyrimo duomenis straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip susiję tarpusavyje skirtingų amžiaus grupių paauglių emociniai ir elgesio sunkumai, kaip šie sunkumai kinta per trejus metus ir kaip šios raidos tendencijos susijusios su paauglio lytimi. Tęstiniame tyrime dalyvavo 14–16 metų paaugliai (N = 317). Emociniams ir elgesio sunkumams nustatyti buvo naudojamas YSR 11/18 (Achenbach, 1991) klausimynas. Rezultatai rodo, kad paauglių emociniai ir elgesio sunkumai yra tarpusavyje susiję. Aptiktos visų trijų amžiaus grupių paauglių nerimastingumo / depresiškumo, somatinių skundų, užsisklendimo bei agresyvaus elgesio ir delinkventinio elgesio įverčių sąsajos. Paaiškėjo, kad emociniai ir elgesio sunkumai, išskyrus užsisklendimą ir delinkventinį elgesį, bėgant laikui nesikeičia, tik jų stiprumas kinta. Taip pat nustatyta, kad visų amžiaus grupių merginos pasižymi aukštesniais nerimastingumo / depresiškumo bei somatinių skundų įverčiais nei vaikinai, o vaikinai pasižymi aukštesniais delinkventinio elgesio įverčiais nei merginos. Tačiau nei merginoms, nei vaikinams šie sunkumai per trejus metus nekinta. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: paaugliai, emociniai ir elgesio sunkumai, YSR. THE COHERENCE OF ADOLESCENT’S EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS AND CHANGES OVER THREE YEARS: AGE AND GENDER DIFFERENCES Oksana Malinauskienė, Rita Žukauskienė Summary Adolescent emotional and behavioral problems probably eventuate through a variety of developmental pathways and exposure to several risk factors. Several salient influences and concomitants associated with an increased risk of adolescent emotional and behavioral problems have been previously documented, including being female or male, low parental support, and substance use. The research focuses on adolescence as an important developmental period for understanding its emotional and behavioral problems and their correlations. To date, there have been few longitudinal studies on the possible structural relationships among emotional and behavioral problems in adolescent samples. The purpose of the present study was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the longitudinal relationships among these factors and to demonstrate how they differ by sex. This study expands upon previous studies and upon the current body of literature by utilizing a longitudinal design and considering the stability and change of emotional and behavioral problems during adolescence. The longitudinal analyses contribute through clarifying ambiguities in previous findings about concurrent relations and longitudinal trends of emotional and behavioral problems. Finally, this investigation focused on a community sample, to enable a better generalization of the results to other community samples of troubled youth. Using a longitudinal sample, this study aims to analyze (1) how emotional and behavioral problems are associated with each other in adolescence, in different age groups, (2) how emotional and behavioral problems change over a three-year period, and (3) how these developmental tendencies are related to child’s gender. The sample consisted of 317 adolescents: 174 girls (55%) and 143 boys (45%). Emotional and behavioral problems were assessed at ages 14, 15 and 16 by the Youth Self Report (YSR) completed by the children. The study found that emotional and behavioral problems are associated: in all age groups, a coherence among anxiety / depression, somatic complaints, withdrawal, aggression and delinquency was apparent. Evidence suggests that emotional and behavioral problems, except withdrawal and delinquency, are relatively stable, however, the intensity of problems changes over time. Gender differences were apparent: in all age groups, girls scored higher than boys on anxiety / depression and somatic complaints, while boys scored higher than girls on the delinquency scale. The interactions between gender*age for anxiety / depression, somatic complaints, withdrawal, aggression and delinquency were not significant, implying that for both boys and girls these problems over a three-year period remained on the same level. Key words : adolescence, emotional and behavioral problem, 45R.