首页    期刊浏览 2024年10月01日 星期二


  • 作者:Gražina Gintilienė ; Dovilė Butkienė
  • 期刊名称:Psichologija
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-0359
  • 出版年度:2005
  • 卷号:32
  • 语种:Lithuanian
  • 出版社:Vilnius University Publishing House
  • 摘要:J. C. Raveno 1947 metais sukurtos Spalvotos progresuojančios matricos (Coloured Progressive Matrices, toliau CPM) plačiai taikomos pasaulyje 5–11 metų vaikų neverbaliniams arba produktyviesiems gebėjimams vertinti. Šiame straipsnyje, remdamosi 2004 metais atlikto reprezentacinės 6–11 metų Lietuvos vaikų imties (n = 1067) tyrimo rezultatais, pirmą kartą pristatome lietuviškąsias CPM normas, kurios skiriasi nuo britiškų bei amerikietiškų. Atliekant CPM standartizaciją dalijimo pusiau ir vidinio suderinamumo metodu buvo patvirtintas CPM patikimumas ir turinio validumas. Įvertindamos veiksnius, galėjusius turėti įtakos CPM rezultatams, nustatėme, kad aplinkos veiksniai (vaiko gyvenamoji vieta ir tėvų išsilavinimas) yra kur kas reikšmingesni vaiko neverbalinių gebėjimų raidai nei biologinis lyties veiksnys. Straipsnyje pristatomi rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad sudarytas CPM normas galima naudoti vaiko neverbaliniams gebėjimams vertinti formalizuotos atrankos tikslais. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: spalvotos progresuojančios matricos, neverbaliniai gebėjimai, Lietuvos vaikai, aplinkos veiksniai, lytis. A LITHUANIAN STANDARTIZATION OF THE RAVEN’S COLOURED PROGRESSIVE MATRICES Gražina Gintilienė, Dovilė Butkienė Summary This study established for the first time a Lithuanian standardisation of the Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) a nonverbal instrument widely used in the world to assess productive abilities of young children. A representative sample of 1067 Lithuanian children between ages six and eleventh was tested after selecting a stratified sample of schools/kindergartens by place of residence and language of instruction in year 2004. Within schools, sampling was carried out randomly within age and gender groups including special needs children receiving education services within mainstream schools. The sample for age 6 included children who were not attending school as well as those who were at school or in kindergartens. Social demographic and academic information on children was gathered using parents questionnaire. Means and Standard deviations were generated at half a year intervals between age 5 years and 9 months to 11 years 2 months. Based on these calculations, smoothed percentile scores by age were derived. Data analysis based on methods of internal consistency, item analysis and comparison of data between different groups of children showed adequate psychometric properties of the Raven’s CPM. The variables of gender, age and SES were used for the data analysis. The gender differences in CPM scores were minimal and not significant. The significant correlation between age and CPM means confirmed expectation that raw scores of children should increase with age. Factors affecting CPM results were place of residence and level of parent’s education. The means of CPM scores of children groups living in different areas showed that rural children were lower than the group living in the big towns. A progressive increase in CPM score means according to parents educational level was obtained. These data suggest looking at SES variables in home and school environment that may affect the opportunity to develop child’s cognitive abilities. Using current data the CPM appears to be reliable and valid instrument for use in screening Lithuanian children. Keywords: Coloured, Progressive Matrices, nonverbal abilities, Lithuanian children, environmental factors, gender.