期刊名称:International Business & Economics Research Journal
出版社:The Clute Institute for Academic Research
摘要:Challenges of modern economy are forcing the developed countries to seek comparative advantages mainly in their human resources in the trained, educated, flexible and self-confident workforce. Lifetime learning, continuous training and systematic development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills are becoming the basic need for any developed and/or developing country. Well-educated people with the above mentioned characteristics are initiators of high-tech and dynamic entrepreneurship, which is without doubt the main factor of development. Considering the fact that Slovenia is still far away from ideal entrepreneurial society in which entrepreneurship is the way of life for the majority of its population as well as taking into account that Slovenian entrepreneurs and managers have much lower education than their American counterparts we come to the conclusion that Slovenia should focus much more on entrepreneurial and managerial education. For these reasons we are going to discuss the following hypotheses: Slovenia needs to expand its entrepreneurial activity in general, especially dynamic and high-tech entrepreneurship to compete successfully on the European market. The psychological profile of Slovenian people and/or entrepreneurs is closer to theprofile of employees than to dynamic entrepreneurs. Dynamic entrepreneurship requires a higher educational level than Slovenian entrepreneursposses. Slovenia should improve its educational structure. Entrepreneurial education should involve the implementation of modern, active learningmethods. Active teaching (learning) methods contribute to the development of entrepreneurial characteristics.