摘要:The contribution offers an extensive reflection on the opportunity to create digital cataloguing archives functional to historical research, which have been scarcely developed so far, both for the limited possibilities of profit and the “dynamic” character of historical research. The paper focuses particularly on the potentialities of the Open Source, which, besides being an inexpensive source of software, manages to combine the safeguard of the “principle of provenance” with the creation of collective knowledge. In the second section the paper outlines the projects under way at the Modern and Contemporary History Department of Genoa University (DISMEC). Special attention is given to the use of DSpace Federation, an Open Source tool effective in cataloguing documentation . In particular, it has been applied on a previous data bank of about 30,000 papers of the Archivio Ligure di Scrittura Popolare (Ligurian Archives of Popular Writing) and on sources of a different kind (even photographic and cartographic ones) of the Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale (Laboratory of Archaeology and Environmental History).