出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Despite the remote origin of women in music, today the presence of names of women dedicated to musical composition remains limited in historiography. Also references to fi lm music composers are even more unusual, although cinema is probably the most important art in the 20 th Century. According to these circumstances, in this paper we propose an approach to Ana Satrova, a composer of original soundtracks who worked in the Spanish film area between 1969 and 1985. In this occasion, we offer a stylistic and visual studio about his first work in the Spanish cinema of Franco’s regime: Homicidios en Chicago (1969, José María Zabalza)
关键词:Film Music;Original Soundtrack;Incidental Music;Women;Franco’s Regime;Ana Satrova;José María Zabalza;Música de cine;Banda Sonora Musical;música incidental;mujer;franquismo;Ana Satrova;José María Zabalza