出版社:Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı
摘要:The flow characteristics around a symmetrical airfoil NACA 0012 at incidence and a circular cylinder placed in tandem have been studied experimentally at a Reynolds number of 1.5×10 5 based on the chord length of the airfoil C. The downstream circular cylinder of diameter D = 25 mm used as a bluff body was placed in the same axis in the flow direction in the wake of the airfoil. The dimensionless gap S/D, where S is the longitudinal spacing between the airfoil and the cylinder, and the attack angle of the airfoil, a, were varied from 0 to 4.3 and from 0° to 15°, respectively. The effects of the attack angle of the airfoil and the longitudinal spacing between the airfoil and the cylinder on the pressure distributions and vortex shedding were examined. Characteristics of the vortex formation region and locations of flow attachments, reattachments, and separations were observed by means of the flow visualizations. It has been seen that the airfoil and the cylinder have considerably affected by each other. The variation in the flow structures according to the attack angle of the airfoil and the longitudinal spacing between the airfoil and the cylinder are revealed utilizing the flow visualization photographs. Keywords: Airfoil, circular cylinder, aerodynamic characteristic, pressure distribution, Strouhal number