首页    期刊浏览 2024年07月01日 星期一


  • 标题:Exudation of fumarate from roots contributes to high aluminum resistance in Melaleuca cajuputi
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  • 作者:Akira Noguchi ; Yoshifumi Houman ; Fumie Shinmachi
  • 期刊名称:Plant Root
  • 电子版ISSN:1881-6754
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:9
  • 页码:15-23
  • DOI:10.3117/plantroot.9.15
  • 出版社:Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic
  • 摘要:Two Melaleuca species, M. cajuputi and M. bracteata , were compared to identify the factors determining their distinct aluminum (Al) resistance levels. The presence of Al in a liquid culture medium (maximum tested concentration, 2 mM) did not affect the growth of M. cajuputi , but severely inhibited the growth of M. bracteata . The Al content in the roots was 50% higher in Al-sensitive M. bracteata than in Al-resistant M. cajuputi . Al penetration and tissue damage were obvious in the roots of M. bracteata , but only mild in the roots of M. cajuputi . Relatively high levels of fumarate were released by the roots of M. cajuputi , but not by those of M. bracteata . Supplementation of Al-containing liquid media with fumarate resulted in a reduction of Al toxicity on M. bracteata . These results suggest that Al-resistant M. cajuputi releases fumarate from its roots, thereby detoxifying Al.
  • 关键词:aluminum;fumarate;Melaleuca cajuputi;Melaleuca bracteata;resistance, sensitivity