期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Software testing is the primary phase, which is performed during software development and it is carried bya sequence of instructions of test inputs followed by expected output. Evolutionary algorithms are mostpopular in the computational field based on population. The test case generation process is used to identifytest cases with resources and also identifies critical domain requirements. The behavior of bees is based onpopulation and evolutionary method. Bee Colony algorithm (BCA) has gained superiority in comparisonto other algorithms in the field of computation. The Harmony Search (HS) algorithm is based on theenhancement process of music. When musicians compose the harmony through different possiblecombinations of the music, at that time the pitches are stored in the harmony memory and the optimizationcan be done by adjusting the input pitches and generate the perfect harmony. Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) is an intelligence based meta-heuristic algorithm where each particle can locate their source of foodat different position.. In this algorithm, the particles will search for a better food source position in thehope of getting a better result. In this paper, the role of Artificial Bee Colony, particle swarm optimizationand harmony search algorithms are analyzed in generating random test data and optimized those test data.Test case generation and optimization through bee colony, PSO and harmony search (HS) algorithmswhich are applied through a case study, i.e., withdrawal operation in Bank ATM and it is observed thatthese algorithms are able to generate suitable automated test cases or test data in a client manner. Thissection further gives the brief details and compares between HS, PSO, and Bee Colony (BC) Optimizationmethods which are used for test case or test data generation and optimization.