期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:The paper presents a tentaƟve soluƟon to the problemof olfacƟon-based mobile robot navigaƟon in the chemicalplume. This type of navigaƟon requires fast and reliabledetecƟon of small gradient of gas concentraƟon in3D space. The special sensor system designed to detectodour plume with significantly reduced inerƟa named”chemical scanner” was proposed [5]. A special aƩenƟonhas been given to evaluate sensing system performancein stable and repeatable condiƟons. The ability to detectsmall gradient of gas concentraƟon was examined on aspecial test bench. The real spaƟal distribuƟon of testedgas in the air was esƟmated using CFD simulaƟon. The resultsproved that the real-Ɵme detecƟon of small (a fewpercent of measured value) difference in gas concentra-Ɵon on very short distance (a several cenƟmetres range)is possible. The next stage of research will examine of thedeveloped sensor system on the mobile plaƞorm for itsnavigaƟon.