出版社:International Association for Social Science Information Service & Technology
摘要:As data-sharing becomes more prevalent throughoutthe natural and social sciences, the researchcommunity is working to meet the demands ofmanaging and publishing data in ways that facilitatesharing. Despite the availability of repositories andresearch data management plans, fundamentalconcerns remain about how to best manage andcurate data for long-term usability. The value of shareddata is very much linked to its usability, and a bigquestion remains: What tools support the preparationand review of research materials for replication,reproducibility, repurposing, and reuse? This paperdescribes key curation tasks and new data curationsoftware designed specifically for reviewing andenhancing research data. It is being developed by tworesearch groups, the Institution for Social and PolicyStudies at Yale University and Innovations for PovertyAction, in collaboration with Colectica. The softwareincludes curation steps designed to improve theresearch materials and thus to enable users to derivegreater value from the data: Checking variable-leveland study-level metadata, verifying that code canreproduce published results, and ensuring that PII isremoved. The tool is based upon the best practicesof data archives and fits into repository and researchworkflows. It is open-source, extensible, and will helpensure that shared data can be used.
关键词:Data curation; curation software;data sharing; social science;randomized controlled trials