摘要:There has been an increasing body of research to uncover the relationship between creativity and intelligence. This relationship usually has been examined using traditional measures of intelligence and seldom using new approaches (i.e. Ferrando et al. 2005 ). In this work, creativ i- ty is measured by tools developed based on Sternberg's successful intelligence theory. Our aims were two - folded: to examine the relatio n- ship between intelligence and creativity and to investigate possible differences on the creativ e process depending on s tudents' level of intell i- gence. A total of 385 students from primary and sec ondary schools took part in the study. Students completed 5 task s from the Aurora Battery aimed to measure the synthetic - creative intelligence. They also co mpleted the Cattell's general intelligence test. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences depending on students' level of i n- telligence on the five task s of creativity, always favouring the more intelligent group. In rel a- tion to the creative process, the three groups (low, average and highly intelligent students) showed similar patterns: they perform ed be t- ter at the end an d weaker at the beginning of mot of the task s . Students with lower intell i- gence were more stable in their performance across tasks than students with average and higher I.Q were