摘要:The objective of this research was to find the caryotype of the endemic ornamental fish, Celebes rainbow (Telmatherina ladigesi) from Maros River South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The experimental fish were caught from the branches of Maros River, those are Bantimurung River, Pattunuangasue River and Makkatoang River. Tissue collection and slide preparation were carried out using the solid tissue technique with slight modification. The amount of chromosome pairs found from those three rivers (three population) were 2n = 48. These chromosomes were divided into 13 pairs big chromosomes (>1 urn) and 11 pairs small chromosomes ( Key words : Celebes Rainbow, endemic, caryotype, chromosome, Maros River ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kariotip dari ikan hias endemik rainbow Sulawesi (Telmatherina ladigesi). Ikan uji rainbow Sulawesi diambil dari beberapa anak Sungai Maros yaitu Sungai Bantimurung, Sungai Pattunuangasue dan Sungai Makkatoang. Pembuatan preparat kromosom dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik jaringan padat dengan sedikit modifikasi. Jumlah kromosom semua ikan uji rainbow Sulawesi adalah 48 buah atau 24 pasang (2n = 48). Kromosom tersebut terdiri atas 13 pasang kromosom besar (>I u,m) dan 11 pasang kromosom kecil ( Kata kunci : rainbow Sulawesi, endemik, kariotip, kromosom, Sungai Maros