摘要:The principal aim of this study was to confirm the “Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters in aGreek elementary school context. The internal consistency of the MESSY II was also examined. 614 studentsof the last three grades of primary schools were participated the survey. The Greek version of MESSY-II wasused. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were checked by performing a confirmatory factoranalysis and an internal consistency analysis. Also, descriptive statistics, T-test and One way Anova analysiswere used. From the analysis we came to the following conclusions: a. The Greek version of MESSY II hasshown stable psychometric properties, which partially support its use in Greek elementary school context. b.The sample does not present negative social skills. c. Gender turns out an element that differentiates thefactors “Hostile”, “Appropriate” and “Inappropriate Assertive” while class attendance for factors “Appropriate”and “Inappropriate assertive”.