摘要:The coastal observation system COSYNA aims
to describe the physical and biogeochemical state of a regional coastal system. The COSYNA data management is the
link between observations, model results and data usage. The
challenge for the COSYNA data management CODM1
is the
integration of diverse data sources in terms of parameters, dimensionality and observation methods to gain a comprehensive view of the observations. This is achieved by describing
the data using metadata in a generic way and by making all
gathered data available for different analyses and visualisations in an interrelated way, independent of data dimensionality. Different parameter names for the same observed property are mapped to the corresponding CF2
standard name
(Eaton et al., 2010) leading to standardised and comparable metadata. These metadata together with standardised web
services are the base for the data portal. The URLs of these
web services are also stored within the metadata as direct
data access URLs, e.g. a map such as a GetMap request.