摘要:We present LCP Merge, a novel merging algorithm for merging two ordered sequences of strings. LCP Merge substitutes string comparisons with integer comparisons whenever possible to reduce the number of character-wise comparisons as well as the number of key accesses by utilizing the longest common prefixes (LCP) between the strings. As one of the applications of LCP Merge, we built a string merge sort based on recursive merge sort by replacing the merging algorithm with LCP Merge and we call it LCP Merge sort. In case of sorting strings, the computational complexity of recursive merge sort tends to be greater than O ( n lg n ) because string comparisons are generally not constant time and depend on the properties of the strings. However, LCP Merge sort improves recursive merge sort to the extent that its computational complexity remains O ( n lg n ) on average. We performed a number of experiments to compare LCP Merge sort with other string sorting algorithms to evaluate its practical performance and the experimental results showed that LCP Merge sort is efficient even in the real-world.