摘要:Information activities of hospital libraries in the Districts of Chugoku and Shikoku are reported. 219 hospitals were sent questionnaires from August to October 1980, and 146 hospitals (66.6%) of which responded. Major findings are: (1) 128 hospitals have libraries, 17 of which have the full-time staffs. (2) Maximum number of books held is 20, 000 volumes, the minimum 100, and the average about 2, 600. (3) Number of serials received is 300 titles to 2 titles. (4) Annual budget for books scatter from 9, 500, 000 yen to 50, 000 yen and the average is 1, 820, 000 yen. (5) 112 hospital libraries responded that their patron doctors meet, though not too sufficiently, their information needs by any way. However, the number of libraries which gain the informations through the interlibrary loan systems from university libraries is 13. (6) The Japan Medical Library Association is not known by 88 hospital libraries (60%) at all. (7) 33 hospital libraries write some comments, in which a common demand is more helps from medical school libraries to small libraries.