出版社:Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic
摘要:This paper considers in the framework of the minimalist program (Chomsky (1995)) a key problem in syntax-the question of what kinds of theoretical devices should account for the frequently observed phenomena in natural language in which infinitival complements display transparency for typically clause-bounded processes. The particular case we look closely at is transparency in BI (Bare Infinitive) complements in English, which is evidenced by the non-clause-boundedness of otherwise clause-bounded phenomena such as Pseudogapping, HNPS (Heavy NP Shift), and scope interpretation of negative quantifiers. The transparency will be analyzed as deriving from overt incorporation of Tense feature and other formal features of the verb of the BI complement to the matrix verb. A theoretical importance of this analysis is that it employs the set of formal features independently necessary to account for V-to-T movement in finite clauses, and therefore it does not lead to proliferation of formal features.
关键词:transparency;BI complements;Verb Raising;overt feature movement