摘要:The amount of urinary hydroxylysine glycosides (Hyl-Gs) is an index of collagen metabolism. The diurnal and day to day variations in the urinary excretion levels of Hyl-Gs and the effects of diet, especially the intake of a large amount of protein on them, were investigated. The diurnal variation in the urinary excretion levels of Hyl-Gs was within the range of healthy controls ; on the other hand, the day to day variation in the urinary excretion levels of Hyl-Gs was not observed. Although the urinary excretion of Hyl-Gs follows the same physiological variations as urinary hydroxyproline, it was not influenced by the dietary protein intake. The contents of Hyl-Gs (μmol/g creatinine) in the first micturition urine after arising and those in the 24-h urine were found to be highly correlated, so it is suggested that the first micturition urine after arising, instead of the 24-h urine, is useful to evaluate the diurnal collagen metabolism.
关键词:hydroxylysine glycosides;urinary markers;diurnal variation;day to day variation;dietary protein intake;collagen degradation