摘要:Since the completeness of case ascertainment is directly related to the validity of a study, the evaluation of completeness is an essential feature of a cohort study. To estimate the completeness of cancer case ascertainment during a three year period (Jan. 1, 1993, to Dec. 31, 1995) in which the Seoul Male Cohort was followed up, we applied capture-recapture method. Data were obtained from the cancer registries, medical records and death certificates, with cases identified from each source numbering 103, 105, and 38, respectively. After eliminating duplicate cases, the total number was 141, and by using a log-linear model, the number of cases not detected by any of the three data sources was estimated to be 16. For all cancers, the estimated completeness of follow-up was 89.9%. J Epidemiol , 1999 ; 9 : 146-154