摘要:Background: We assessed the relationship between height and coronary heart disease (CHD) in an urban population of Tehran. Methods: 4110 participants of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study who were 40 years of age or older (1880 men and 2230 women; mean age, 55.1 and 53.0 years, respectively) and free of CHD at baseline were followed for a mean of 9.1 years. We used Cox proportional hazards regression to evaluate the risk of a first CHD event across height tertiles. Results: First CHD events occurred in 239 men and 172 women. The estimated crude HR (95% CI) for CHD events associated with an increment of 1 SD in height was 0.96 (0.28–3.33) in men and 0.84 (0.72–0.97) in women. After adjustment for age, the associations were no longer present. Further adjustment for other confounders had little impact on the results: the HR (95% CI) associated with an increase of 1 SD in height was 1.02 (0.87–1.20) in men and 0.82 (0.66–1.02) in women. Conclusions: After adjustment for age, height was not associated with CHD incidence in men or women.