摘要:A total of 3, 580 pulmonary TB patients newly registered in Nagoya TB registry in 1979-81 were followed-up until the end of 1983. 489 patients (13.7%) died in the period of observation. O/E ratio of dying from TB was very high, being 15.1 per 100, 000 for males and 40.0 for females, and also higher O/E ratio of cancer, heart dis- eases, pneumonia/bronchitis were shown for both sexes, the risks ranged 1.7 to 3.2. The risk of liver diseases except cancer was high in females only. Lung cancer death showed high O/E ratio of 3.8 for males and 6.4 for females. Observed higher risk of malignant neoplasms related to bone marrow suggest some immune disorders of the patients. Causative factors were discussed.
关键词:Malignant neoplasms;Pulmonary tuberculosis;TB registry;Cohort study;Lung Cancer