摘要:The author considers the importance of complete bibliographic citations attached to photocopies of literature, and points out the necessity of providing bibliographic citations on the original materials or their photocopies by librarians. Complete bibliographic citations are useful for library users and librarians in the following three respects. 1) They make lists of cited references correct. 2) They enable library users and librarians to go back to the originals. 3) They lessen the time and energy expended by librarians in searching incomplete bibliographic citations. Providing bibliographic citations is necessary not only in the photocopying of a library's own holding literature (including interlibrary loan lending) but also in ILL borrowing. The methods of providing bibliographic citations recommended by the author are: 1) In photocopying journal articles, the best method is to write the missing elements of bibliographic citations on the originals. An acceptable method is to write them on the photocopies. 2) In photocopying chapters or paragraphs of a book, the best method is to attach an extra photocopy of the title page. Missing elements of the bibliographic citation on the title page, of course, should be written on the original title page or its photocopy. But if the bibliographic citation appears in the required portion of the book, a librarian is able to complete the prepared bibliographic citation without attaching an extra photocopy of the title page. 3) Photocopying of other materials (patents, dissertations, proceedings, etc.) should be treated in the same way as journals and books. 4) Photocopying of nonliterature subjects, such as tables of contents, instructions to authors and indexes, should also be done in similar way.