摘要:Distribution of isoniazid and its metabolites was observed in the liver, kidney, lung and plasma after the subcutaneous administration of isoniazid to rats. The tissue levels of isoniazid, acetylisoniazid, acetylhydrazine, 1, 2-diacetylhydrazine and hydrazine were determined by mass fragmentography using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer equipped with a multiple ion detecter-peak matcher. Using the compounds labeled with a stable isotope as an internal standard, namely the isotope dilution method, made it possible to estimate trace amounts of these metabolites in the tissues. The amount of hydrazine was much less than the other hydrazines, but the metabolite which is well known as a mutagen, could be successfully detected in the tissues and plasma. The greater part of free hydrazine is formed through a direct hydrolysis of isoniazid. The isoniazid-hydrolyzing activity was found to be significantly higher in the liver homogenate. This suggested that hydrazine formation is mainly caused by hepatic hydrolysis.