摘要:A simple procedure for the preparation of large quantities of tritium-triglyceridelabeled very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) from rat serum is described. Triton WR-1339 (0.10 ml) was intraperitoneally injected into rats weighing 200-300 g, and 100 μCi of tritium-triolein in corn oil (1 ml) was simultaneously administered orally. VLDL was separated by ultracentrifugation from the serum administration of the above compounds for 2 d. At least 10 mg of protein of VLDL was obtained from each animal, and the radioactivity in VLDL was exclusively found in triglyceride. Isolated radioactive VLDL was injected into normal rats, and the decay of the radioactivity in serum was found to be almost identical with that of triglyceride, but different from that of cholesterol.