标题:Studies on Triterpenoids. IX. The Chemical Constituent of Bird Lime extracted from Rhododendron linearifolium SIEB. ET ZUCC. VAR. macrosepalum MAKINO.
摘要:By the extraction of buds of Rhododendron linearifolium SIEB. ET ZUCC. VAR. macrosepalum MAKINO, a presence of a viscous matter was discovered, the properties of which were very similar to those of bird lime in Japanese market. By its saponification, ursolic acid, melissyl alcohol, motiol, and motic acid were separated. The latter two were proved to be new triterpenoids with following constants : Motiol, C30H50O, m.p. 217°, [α]24D -27.4. Motic acid, C30H50O3, m.p. 283∼284°, [α]12D-73.40.