摘要:The report made by Sugasawa and Ban that the oily oxidation product, produced in 66% yield, of 1-methyl-3-ethylpyridinium methosulfate consisted of 1-methyl-3-ethyl-2-pyridone only, was in error, which was caused by a cursory examination of the distillation product. The present study revealed that the oily oxidation product was really a mixture of 1-methyl-3-ethyl-2-and-6-pyridone in proportion of approximately 8 : 1. Their separation was made possible through picrates, of which the one from the 2-pyridone is freely soluble in ether, whereas the other is practically insoluble in cold ether. By using the oxidation agent in a certain excess, the yield of the product attained as high as 84% of the theoretical.