摘要:The inhalation of thinners and the related organic solvents (e.g., toluene, methanol, ethyl acetate etc.) expected as an anesthetic and stimulus, is still a social problem in connection with juvenile delinquency. For the purpose of a rapid identification of the abused solvents, 38 pure organic solvents and 18 commercial thinner samples were analyzed by a flame ionization detector (FID)-gas chromatograph with a DBTM-1, SUPELCOWAXTM 10 or DBTM-17 capillary column, respectively. In the cases of the DBTM-1 and SUPELCOWAXTM 10 columns, most organic solvents were successfully separated from each other under the gas chromatographic conditions as follows, a 30 m×0.53 mm i.d. thick-film (1.5 μm and 1.0 μm) fused-silica capillary column was used, and the column temperature was kept at 60°C for 1 min and then raised to 120°C and 150°C at 5°C/min. The total analysis times were 13 and 19 min. Especially, the DBTM-1 column was suitable for the forensic analysis of thinners, because methanol, ethylacetate and toluene prohibited by the law were succesfully separated from others. The column was also appropriate to identify lacquer thinner and industrial toluene. This method is more efficient, and less time-consuming than the other methods so far reported.
关键词:capillary gas chromatography;abused thinner;organic solvent;fusedsilica capillary column;dimethylpolysiloxane phase DBTM-1