摘要:The method for the removal of nutrient salts and phenol from water by use of aquatic plant Myriophyllum brasiliense CAMB. was investigated to improve the quality of water in eutrophic lakes. The values for the ability of M. brasiliense to remove nitrate nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, and orthophosphate phosphorus from a synthetic 10% Hoagland's solution were 66, 24, 20mg·kg-1·d-1, respectively, and that for the ability of removal of phenol from a 25% Hoagland's solution containing 100 mg·1-1 of phenol was 534 mg·kg-1·d-1. M. brasiliense was also used to remove nitrogen and phosphorus effectively from the water of Lake Tega-numa, similarly to the synthetic solution. These results indicate that the ability of M. brasiliense to remove nitrogen, phosphorus, and phenol is superior or comparable to that of waterhyacinth known as the plant capable for removing water nutrients.