摘要:A simple and reliable method for the determination of amygdalin (AM) in ume (Japanese apricot) extract by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was investigated. The sample was extracted with hot water (80°C) and cleaned up by use of C18 and NH2 Sep Pak cartridge. The sample solution was chromatographed on a LiChrosorb NH2 column with a mobile solvent of acetonitrile-water (43 : 7). AM was detected with a UV monitor set at 210 nm. The peak corresponding to AM was able to be confirmed by the treatment with emulsin. By this method, the recoveries of AM were over 92.5% and the coefficients of variation (C.V.) were less than 5% at levels of 100μg/g and 1000μg/g. The detection limit corresponded to 20μg/g of AM in ume extract. Analyses of 6 commercial ume extracts revealed 53-1207μg/g of AM in all samples.
关键词:cyanogenic glycoside;amygdalin;ume extract;HPLC;Sep Pak C18 cartridge;Sep Pak NH2 cartridge