摘要:The amount of domestic waste from plastics used for packaging foods, their materials and original uses were investigated. The samples were collected from 22 families for a period of a week, and were classified into three groups: (1) for meats and fishes, (2) for vegetables and fruits, and (3) for others. The total amount of plastic waste from one family for a one week period varied widely from 59.8 to 787.5g, with the mean being 400.2g/week. The estimated amount of the waste per family per day and per capita per day was 57.2g and 13.6g, respectively. The percentage amount of plastic waste classified by packaged foods was 16% for group (1), 4.6% for group (2) and 79.4% for group (3). The percentage amount of waste classified by type of packaging was 27.4% for paper laminated packages, 22.8% for wares, 17.1% for trays, 8.9% for packages, 6.4% for bags made of a single layer film, 5.7% for bags made of a laminated film, 3.7% for bottles, 3.7% for wrapping film, 4.1% for aluminum laminated products and the others. However, for paper laminated packages, the amount of plastic used by weight was only about 6% of the total. Most of the materials in these plastics were identified, and their ratios were 51% for PS, 16.6% for PE, 16.4% for PVC, 9.5% for PP, 6.1% for PET and 0.4% for PVDC. Most of the constituent materials in trays were PS, and in packages and wrapping film were PVC.