出版社:Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija
摘要:Eco-labelling and quality systems can be applied as the means for benchmarking a destination, particularly in those cases where the only information available is that pertaining to these systems. There are a number of potential advantages to be gained in using eco-labelling and quality systems information instead of the usual benchmarking information. In addition to providing external recognition and standards, this type of benchmarking can also serve to improve the competitive ability of a given tourist destination. This articles focuses on the importance of applying a quality system and creating an cco-label in the development strategy of the Island of Cres, a tourist destination aimed at realising its vision of becoming a recognised ECO destination in the Mediterranean, focusing Oil a healthy way of life, ecology and nature, and providing an intense experience of the sea, beaches and the coastal region.
关键词:benchmarking; eco-label; quality standards; destination as a business system